EHJMSU 2024 Christmas Party
EHJMS Ughelli join the world to celebrate Christmas where we are presented with the new born Christ the king and Messiah. He is the light that puts an end to the darkness in our world, by ushering in justice, peace and order, with the titles: "Wonderful-Counselor, Mighty-God, Eternal-Father, Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6) and Son of David. He is God's grace that is poured into the world so that we may give glory to God and experience true peace on earth.
At Christmas we celebrate God's blessing to us His Holy People, the Redeemed, who are so blessed because of God's merciful love and faithfulness and who must now encounter anew that child, the new born King and be heralds of the good news of God's saving grace to humanity.
The new born King is the perfect image and reflection of the Father, through whom God communicates to humanity directly and by means of the mystery of the Incarnation, "He became flesh." He became flesh to live amongst us, so we become God's children too.
He became one of us so that we may become true images of His and make him ever more present in our families, Churches and Communities. Christmas becomes more meaningful in a darkened and broken world if Jesus is born again in our time and situations for He is our hope and our joy. Let us celebrate Him because in Him we have life.
May Christ, God made man and source of life, fill us with His love, joy and peace and make us bearers of your love, joy and peace in the world around us. Amen.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance to you all.
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